Dog Walker Schools & Training – PocketSuite Sat, 21 Aug 2021 22:48:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dog Walker Schools & Training – PocketSuite 32 32 How to Become a Dog Walker Sun, 25 Jul 2021 13:12:00 +0000 Love dogs? Then you’re halfway there to becoming a dog walker and making good money.

Small dog on a leash looking out at a canal

Dog walkers provide an invaluable service by helping busy people take great care of their dogs. Pets benefit as well, since they’re not cooped up all day in a house or an apartment. Rare is the dog that wouldn’t prefer to be outdoors, exploring the world on a walk or a romp in the park.

Working efficiently and walking two or more dogs a time, if you can manage more than two, you’ll be able to earn a living as an entrepreneur running your own business and setting your own hours – to the extent they also meet your customers’ needs. There’s also the benefit of daily exercise and the satisfaction of knowing that the dogs in your care are living a better, healthier life as a result of the services you provide. If that’s not enough, you can always enjoy the walk by seeing the world through a dog’s point of view, which is pure delight and wonder.

But enough talk. Let’s walk the walk. Read on to discover what’s involved in becoming a dog walker.

 In this article you’ll learn:

  • How much money you can make as a dog walker
  • The required training and certifications
  • Professional groups to join
  • Employment opportunities for dog walkers
  • Finding clients
  • Plus helpful tips

How much money can you make?

Dog walkers average $16 an hour based on separate surveys conducted recently by GlassDoor and Indeed. At that rate, those who are able to work a 40-hour week would earn $2,560 per month, which translates to $30,720 per year. Enterprising dog walkers may arrange to walk two or more pets at the same time for either the same owner or perhaps neighbors. This instantly doubles the average hourly income to at least $32.

Training and Certification

Formal licensing is not required to become a dog walker, however, training and certification will set you apart in the field. You can pursue training through a variety of online and in-person courses. You can even check the local community college for certificates in animal care. Also contact area pet centers to ask about the availability of training programs.

Dog walker with a slim dog on a leash in the park

Online training and certification programs range from about $150 on the low end to $650 and up.

Here is a selection of dog walker training programs to get you started.

Some of what you can expect to learn in a training program:

  • Planning Routes and Managing a Schedule
  • Handling, Transporting, and Supervising Dogs
  • Evaluating Dogs and Their Owners (before accepting them as customers)
  • Health, Safety, and Security
  • Starting Your Dog Walking Business
  • Licensing, Insurance, and Permit Issues
  • Setting Prices
  • Managing a Dog Walking Business
  • Attracting Customers and Getting Referrals
  • Marketing Tools
  • Handling Problems/Communication Skills

Professional Groups to Join

Being a member of a professional organization helps your career. You can network with other members and share ideas, learn more efficient ways of running your business and get access to ongoing education. Professional affiliations also impress customers and potential employers who will see that you are serious about your work.

The International Organization of Professional Dog Walkers provides education and business improvement services for individuals working as or training to be a professional dog walker. A professional membership is $49 a year paid in advance.

There are also many informal networking groups for dog walkers. A list of nearly 100 can be reviewed here.


You’ll find jobs for dog walkers advertised at large veterinary practices, pet-store retail chains and online. When applying, it’s helpful to make copies of your resume and professional credentials in advance so you’ll have them ready. You’ll also need copies of reference letters and contact information for the people endorsing your services.

Small dog standing on a small brick wall

Don’t overlook online employment-search services like Indeed and ZipRecruiter. You can set up notifications on these sites to receive email alerts about job openings that match your interests and geographic location.

Finding Clients

Every small business needs a website and calling cards. The website is necessary so people can discover your business as well as learn more about you once they have your business card.

Everyone is online these days, so that’s where your marketing efforts should focus.

Dog walker leading a dog through a scenic park

Set up an Instagram page to showcase your dog walking business. Instagram is the #1 online venue for professionals to showcase their work. A dedicated business page on Instagram is always working for you. Include pictures of you in action, walking dogs and smiling.

Next, build a Facebook page for your business. This is how you attract even more followers and provide tips to improve their life with pets. You can run discount specials and create teaser links to your business website by offering articles and news about dogs.

Next, create a Google My Business page. This service lets you display your hours of operation, photos and reviews of your service so you can encourage customers to post great comments about your dog walking service.

Setting up each of these sites should take less than an hour. All of them are free and work 24/7 to promote your business. That frees up more of your time to focus on dog walking and less on marketing.

Small dog standing next to dog walker's feet while waiting to begin a walk

One challenge with a dog walking business is overcoming common customer hesitations. Pet owners know their dogs need exercise, but paying a dog walker may be perceived as an unnecessary expense or a luxury they cannot afford. This is an opportunity for you to get creative.

Pitch your services as an investment. For example, note on your website and tell prospective customers in-person that your services will help them focus on their careers, while saving time, stress and money by not leaving work in the middle of the day to walk the dog.

Additional strategies for finding clients:

Veterinarian Referrals

Contact local veterinarians and cultivate friendly business relationships with them. Dog owners routinely ask their vets about training, so you strive to be the trainer vets recommend to their clients.

Partner with Local Shelters or SPCA

This serves two purposes. First, it gets your business in front of people who are adopting dogs and second, it solves an immediate need for busy professionals – getting their dog some exercise during the workday. The idea here is to leave flyers and business cards at the local shelter or SPCA, then encourage staff to recommend your dog walking business when people adopt pets. Volunteering for an hour or two each month at the shelter can build goodwill.

Partner with Independent Pet Stores

Small business owners understand the value of collaborating with other professionals in the community. Focus especially on pet stores that sell organic pet food, specialty chew toys and other items that tend to attract more affluent customers.

Pug standing in between dog walker's feet in the street

Visit Local Businesses

Lots of small businesses now welcome pets and their owners. These include breweries, wineries and coffee shops. Identify area businesses that are pet friendly and approach the owners with your flyers and business cards.

Leave Your Calling Card at Neighbors’ Houses

When you go to a customer’s home regularly to walk their dog, before long you’ll come to know the neighborhood. Pay attention to houses where you hear barking dogs, but no cars are in the driveway. Chances are, someone lives there who could benefit from your services. So leave a business card at their door. This also helps you because it is much more efficient to walk several dogs in the same neighborhood than driving all over the county to serve all your customers.

Good to know

Before starting a dog walking business you’re going to need references. Good ones. Because dog walkers are principally tasked with walking pets while their owners are away, that means you’ll have access to your customers’ homes. People need to know they can trust their dog walker. References should come from other people whose dogs you’ve cared for as well as current and past employers. A reference from a veterinarian can be especially helpful because of the respect that medical professionals enjoy.

In addition to references, a business liability insurance policy is a good idea. This affords basic protections should any problems arise. You can get insurance on a pet care business for as little as $25 a month – and there’s no putting a price on the peace of mind insurance coverage can provide.

If you enjoyed this article, check out some more great content that can help you grow your career as a dog walker. Here’s a great place to start.PocketSuite has thousands of business owners who all started where you are right now. Our community is always happy to help you ramp up, grow your client base, and achieve your income goals, both within the PocketSuite app and as part of our exclusive Facebook Community Group. PocketSuite’s vision is for any professional to be able to work for themselves and make a great living. It starts here. It starts with you. It starts today. Let’s get started, download PocketSuite now! Feel free to reach out with any questions (we’d love to hear from you)! Text us @ (415) 841-2300.

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Prosh Pets, LLC Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:30 +0000 Prosh Pets, LLC Overview

So as to get a permit to walk 4-8 dogs inside San Francisco (or 3-6 dogs at any GGNRA-controlled region), you must be certified as a trained business dog walker. The program at Prosh Pets is certified by the SFACC and affirms their CDW Training Course meets prerequisites for certification.

Training Programs at Prosh Pets, LLC

  • Dog Walker Certification Classes
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Prosh Pets, LLC

Superior Dog Training Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:30 +0000 Superior Dog Training Overview

When a dog owner completes one of their many comprehensive in-home dog training courses, the dog owner will successfully modify their dog’s behavior on a consistent level and maintain their dog’s obedience. Having a well trained dog not only eliminates annoying behaviors, but it also enables the dog to have a more relaxed attitude.

Training Programs at Superior Dog Training

  • Dog Walking Training
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Superior Dog Training

Purr-fect Pet Sitting Dog Walking & Training Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:30 +0000 Purr-fect Pet Sitting Dog Walking & Training Overview

Offering dog walking, training and pet sitting by a Certified Trainer.

Training Programs at Purr-fect Pet Sitting Dog Walking & Training

  • Pet Sitter, Dog Walker & Cert. Trainer
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Purr-fect Pet Sitting Dog Walking & Training

Universal Class, Inc. Dog Walking Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:30 +0000 Universal Class, Inc. Overview

This course covers the details of beginning and maintaining a pet sitting and pet walking business. Pet sitting and pet walking companies were practically unknown not too long ago, yet today they are in most mnajor cities and towns.

Training Programs at Universal Class, Inc.

  • Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Course
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Universal Class, Inc.

Canine Insights, LLC. Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:23 +0000 Canine Insights, LLC. Overview

Group classes, private lessons and play and train dog walks are offered. They’ll work with dogs, cats, little “pocket” pets and more.

While group classes can be fun they are not always an ideal choice for everybody. Based on your dog’s needs and your schedule, private training might be a superior fit.

Training Programs at Canine Insights, LLC.

  • Loose Leash Walking Adventures
  • Price Range: Check website for updated details.

Resources for Canine Insights, LLC.

Family Dog University Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:23 +0000 Family Dog University Overview

Walking pleasantly on-leash is probably the hardest conduct for dogs to master. The world is an exciting place and dogs want to investigate, not simply walk in a straight line.

They also have two more legs than we do. Be that as it may, Family Dog University can train your dog to walk peacefully with you, not against you.

Training Programs at Family Dog University

  • Walk Nice Real-Life Skills Online Course
  • Price Range: Starting at $65 

Resources for Family Dog University

Fur-Get Me Not Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:23 +0000 Fur-Get Me Not Overview

This is a two-meeting workshop with a focus on training dogs great walking habits. Each meeting starts with some prep work in the office and afterward you’ll go out and about walking dogs.

This workshop is a good prerequisite to the City Walks class if you need to test for certification. Because most activities are held outddoors, meetings are cancelled and rescheduled in the event of bad weather.

Training Programs at Fur-Get Me Not

  • Walk & Train
  • Price Range: Starting at $85 

Resources for Fur-Get Me Not

Camp Care-A-Lot Pet Resorts Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:23 +0000 Camp Care-A-Lot Pet Resorts Overview

At Care-A-Lot® Pet Supply, they are dedicated to fostering a superior relationship between you and your dog. Since a happy dog requires more than knowing orders, their dog training program at Virginia Beach incorporates a wide scope of methods to guarantee that all of your pet’s needs are met.

Training Programs at Camp Care-A-Lot Pet Resorts

  • Pet Walk Training
  • Price Range: Starting at $129 

Resources for Camp Care-A-Lot Pet Resorts

Paw To Hoof Pet Services Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:27:23 +0000 Paw To Hoof Pet Services Overview

Paw To Hoof Pet Services is different from other help organizations in that they are qualified and experienced in training dogs and ponies. They work with dogs of any age on issues from learning essential orders to changing difficult behaviors. Pony training services run from foundation basics to riding work. As dog and pony proprietors know, each creature is unique. Accordingly, training projects will shift just as the measure of time expected to learn another skill or change a behavior.

Training Programs at Paw To Hoof Pet Services

  • Dog Walking Training, Pony Training
  • Price Range: Starting at $20 

Resources for Paw To Hoof Pet Services
