Massage Therapist – PocketSuite Thu, 11 Jan 2024 14:29:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Massage Therapist – PocketSuite 32 32 5 Tips to Grow as an Independent Massage Therapist Sun, 06 Aug 2023 19:08:36 +0000 Are you ready to level up your massage therapy game? You can become an independent massage therapist and make more money doing what you love.

We put together our best tips to be successful as a massage therapist.

independent massage therapist

What’s an independent massage therapist?

Massage therapists provide treatments to counteract muscle tension and promote wellness for their clients. They typically work in med spas, gyms, or other facilities as part of a team. Independent massage therapists run their own client-based massage business. They may be solo entrepreneurs or have a small team. 

As an independent massage therapist, you build a roster of loyal clients and set your own rates.  You’re your own boss, which means you have endless potential to grow in your career. 

How do I become a successful massage therapist?

Massage therapists are in high demand. Many skilled professionals have turned their passion into a profitable independent business. And you can too! 

Here are a few expert tips to succeed as an independent massage therapist.

#1 Stick to state-approved training courses

Massage therapists must handle clients with care, so proper training and education is essential. You can get the skills you need by completing a massage therapy course.  

A good massage therapy course teaches both treatment techniques and business management best practices. Plus, these courses prepare you to take on your state’s licensing exam. There are hundreds of massage therapy courses online. 

independent massage therapist

Before you make a decision, remember that some states require you to complete a set number of training hours before you can receive your massage therapist license. So do your research and be sure your program meets those requirements before you enroll or pay tuition. 

You can learn massage therapy by taking a specialized course at a community college or independent trade school. Some massage therapists go on to earn their Associate of Applied Science Degree in  Massage Therapy.

#2 Stand out with specialty massage certifications

The best way to grow as an independent massage therapist is to differentiate yourself from other services in the area.

Most states require massage therapists to earn their licenses before they can start a business. And you might have to take additional courses every couple of years to renew your license. But your massage therapy training shouldn’t end when you get your license. After all, you have to show clients why they should choose your independent business over a larger chain spa.

Independent massage therapists often get certified in a massage specialty like stone massage to perform hot stone therapy or sports massage to work with athletes. This way, you add to your service offers, attract more clients and stay competitive in your industry

#3 Join a professional organization to grow your network and get access to resources

Just because you’re an independent massage therapist doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. You can learn from experts in your industry by joining a professional organization like Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP). 

Professional organizations like ABMP can boost your career and guide you through the hurdles of starting a business. ABMP also provides discounts on business software and special rates on insurance to protect your massage practice.

#4 Get a booking app

As an independent massage therapist, you handle the nitty-gritty of running a business on your own. So, you need business software. Business software, or a booking app, helps you manage clients and get repeat bookings by: 

  • Automating online booking and appointment scheduling
  • Accepting multiple forms of payments from clients and giving you quick payouts
  • Sending contracts, forms, and other personalized communication to clients
  • Providing features to bundle your services and sell retail products

Business software like PocketSuite makes it easy to manage clients so that you can focus on your craft.

#5 Diversify your marketing

It’s time to promote your independent massage business. You can get creative with marketing channels to attract new clients. In general, you can:

  • Create an online presence, like a professional website, where clients can easily find and book you. Then list your business on Google.
  • Curate dedicated social media pages for your business. Customize a Facebook page, launch an Instagram, or hop on Threads to increase your visibility quickly. Social media marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Create posts that show off your expertise and service results. 
  • Use email and text marketing to reach clients and activate leads 
  • Ask for referrals to land high-quality clients from people who can vouch for the quality of your services. You can get referrals from current clients or other pros in the health and wellness industry.
independent massage therapist

The Bottom Line

Independent massage therapists can build a successful business with loyal clients and high income. To grow your business, take advantage of specialty certifications, professional organizations like ABMP, and business software like PocketSuite.

PocketSuite is all-in-one software to run your business. From bookings to payments to contracts, we have everything you need to grow as a massage therapist.

The Best E-commerce Platform for Massage Therapists Sun, 23 Jul 2023 21:09:02 +0000 Are you looking to boost your income as a massage therapist? The good news is that you don’t have to take on a new side hustle to make more money. You can expand your massage business by offering retail products to your clients. And you only need one app to manage both. With PocketSuite, you can add an e-commerce store to your booking site and sell products online. 

In this article, we show you how to set up an online store in the PocketSuite app and maximize your online product sales. 

online products for massage therapists

How do I sell products to my massage clients?

If you think selling products to your clients will be a burden, think again. It’s easy to set up an online store with PocketSuite. With just a few clicks, you can have a fully automated e-commerce site without any additional fees or tools. 
Some massage therapists pay for additional e-commerce apps like Shopify to sell retail. However, these apps can’t provide the all-in-one support that client-based business owners. You can avoid the hassle and extra cost with PocketSuite. You only need one platform to schedule appointments, accept payments and sell products. 

Here’s how to use the PocketSuite app to sell online products to your massage clients.

#1 Choose your products

To get started with online products, you’ll need to select and stock up on your retail goods. You don’t have to break the bank here. One product or a few variations of the same product is fine to test your business model. Just focus on finding products that are high quality and in demand to attract more clients.

The good news is that there are dozens of massage products that can help your clients in their bodywork journey. For example, cold packs or heated neck wraps are great for clients who book your hot-cold therapy services. A good product meets your clients needs and is a natural addition to your massage practice. 

As a massage therapist, you can seem

  • Lotions and massage oils
  • Candles, diffusers, or other aromatherapy products are
  • Eye pillows and sheets
  • Heating pads
  • Health supplements
  • Small massage tools

If you’re stuck on ideas, take advantage of social media to find trending products in your industry. But remember, it’s goods to sell items that your clients can’t easily get their hands on. 

#2 Customize your online store 

Once you’ve decided on the items you want to sell, add them to your online store in the PocketSuite app. You can customize your store with images and product descriptions. Clients are free to purchase and pay for their products online (or order online and pick up in person). 

online products for massage therapists

Here’s a tip: Add product categories to make it easier for customers to browse your products.

Read this step-by-step tutorial on setting up an online store in PocketSuite.

#3 Upsell retail with services

To maximize your online product sales, it’s important to upsell products along with your massage services. Upselling is a proven method to grow an online store. And you have an advantage because, more than likely, your products will pair well with your massage sessions. Your clients need the product (and trust your recommendations), so you’re sure to land a few extra sales.

PocketSuite automates product upsells for your online store. You can turn your products into add-ons for specific services. When your clients book you for a service, they’ll get a little nudge to add your products to the cart before checkout.

#4 Get paid

To make money from your online store, of course, you’ll need reliable payment options. You don’t want anything to disrupt your client’s buyer journey. So make sure to offer multiple, flexible payment options at checkout.

PocketSuite makes it easy to accept payments for your product sales. You can accept all major credit cards in the app (with an industry-low processing fee). And for pick-ups, clients can pay you in cash, or you can choose between a card reader or Tap To Pay on your phone. 

online products for massage therapists

Here’s a tip: Remember to set a cancellation policy in the app. That way, we’ll automatically collect a fee if your client cancels their order before your set deadline.

#5 Track orders

Now that your online store is ready for the public, the order will start pouring in. And you need to be ready to fulfill them. With PocketSuite, you can automate shipping and fulfillment and keep track of your open orders. 

You can set up shipping preferences in just a few clicks. Go ahead and choose how delivery fees will be calculated.  Clients have the option to have items shipped to them or pick them up at your business location. And they’ll receive text and email notifications about their order and tracking information. 

#6 Market your retail products

Last but not least, it’s important to implement a few tried and true marketing techniques to see your product sales grow. PocketSuite has a range of marketing tools to help you promote products to your clients. 

We make it easy to collect leads and retarget them with product promotions. Using our Smart Campaigns feature, you can create targeted text marketing campaigns for your clients. This way, they get product announcements and discounts straight to their phone. 

online products for massage therapists

Here’s the deal

As a massage therapist, you can offer more value to clients and boost your income by selling retail products. It’s easy to get started. All you need is a platform that can work double duty as a booking app and e-commerce solution.

That’s where we come in! At PocketSuite, you can sell products and services to clients in the same app. We’re the all-in-one solution to grow your massage business. 

How to Make $100k+ as a Massage Therapist Tue, 12 Jul 2022 19:34:57 +0000 The massage therapy profession lets independent professionals make great money while connecting to a passion for wellness, healing and helping others. There are many exciting specializations in this field as well from modalities like shiatsu massage, swedish massage, and sports massage with specialized training and benefits. People who practice massage often specialize in specialized care communities as well, from sports injury, recovery from serious health issues and senior care. 

With so many massage modalities to choose from and communities to care for, massage therapy is a diverse profession with tremendous opportunity. At the same time, massage can demand a lot physically from its practitioners so it’s important to price your services competitively and know your limits for the number of clients you can serve in a day in order to avoid injury and make your goal income. 

No matter what type of massage therapist you are, this post is all about how to price effectively, fill your client book and meet a goal income whether that is $100,000 per year or some other number. 

Massage Therapy Lifestyle

The Massage Therapist Environment  

The massage therapist lifestyle is about healing people but also creating an atmosphere so people can relax so massage can be at its most effective. Many massage therapists also become experts in aromatherapy, breathwork, yoga and stretching and other aligned practices that help people relax. Many massage therapists have a great selection of calming music, know how to light a room for maximum relaxation and how to deal with people and make them feel at ease. Other massage therapists such as sports massage keep a clean sports environment that is comfortable for their clientele. After all, it’s all about the right environment for the people you serve. 

In this profession, it is recommended to have a treatment space away from home and to create an environment that is conducive to your massage therapy practice. Having your own space helps create a maximally professional environment that allows you to control the space. Other massage therapists rent treatment rooms at spas that create this safe and professional environment for them.

However you create a safe and professional environment in your practice, paying attention to the spaces where you practice massage is an important aspect of creating a loyal clientele who keep booking you. Having a roster of regular clients is one of the most important things a massage therapist can do to stay booked and meet a goal income.

Massage Therapist Environment & Econmics

Economics of the Massage Industry

According to the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP), 59% of massage professionals are independent and run their own businesses. That’s over 197,000 independent massage professionals in the USA running their own practice. If that describes you, keep reading. This post is about making a goal income in the massage industry.

The average massage therapist using PocketSuite is making about $22,968 per year. However, the top 10% of massage therapists using PocketSuite are making over $100,000 per year or more. Here are some insights on how these top pros run their successful businesses. 

First, let’s talk numbers. The average rate for a 60 minute massage for a massage therapist on PocketSuite is $97 dollars. The best rate for your massage business is based both on the market in which you practice and the size of your practice. Relevant certifications for the modality you practice can also help massage therapists increase their prices. 

When it comes to reaching your goal income as a Massage Therapist, it all comes down to your hourly rate and the number of appointments you take each week. In the following charts we will explore the number of appointments you need to fill per week at different price points to reach your goal income.  It’s important to keep in mind that some of your appointments may be 90 minutes and charge a higher price. Still, this should be a handy guide for determining the number of goal appointments you need to fill in a week. All of the charts assume you take off 3 full weeks per year with no massage work.

Massage therapy can be physically tiring. So when picking your goal number of appointments to do per week, consider carefully how many you can safely do per day and not risk injury. Your path to your goal income may include raising your prices because you can’t always add tons of new massage appointments to your day as a massage therapist. 

Creating Recurring Revenue as a Massage Therapist

Recurring clients helps you reach your goal number of appointments per week consistently. There are a few ways of creating recurring revenue as a massage therapist. First, massage treatments for sports injury, or serious issues often demand repeat appointments. If you serve these clients looking for massage treatments, you can often schedule them for repeat appointments, often weekly. 

Massage is also a great way for stressed clients to relax. Many clients may want to commit to buying packages of 5 or 10 massages at a time for a small discount. PocketSuite has an option for massage therapists to sell appointment packages or sell them as gifts. Anytime a client buys packages up front, not only do you get the money right away, but you have attained another repeat client. 

Finally, keeping an updated calendar and letting your clients book you online with no friction helps your client list book you more often. 

Text Marketing for Massage Therapists

Most massage therapists have a big book of past clients and that is a business asset.  You can use text messaging to send out seasonal promotions and deals to your entire list of past clients. It’s a great tool for filling your appointment book in lagging weeks. 

PocketSuite has a great tool called smart campaigns that lets you segment and text deals to your overall client list. While it does have a small cost associated with texts, for every dollar massage therapists spend on text marketing, they get back an average of $18 in bookings. It’s a great way to make sure you are reaching your goal income every week. 

Continuing Education

One way to increase your rates is continuing education. Are there any massage modalities that are priced particularly high in your area? How about massage modalities that are more rare in the town in which you live? By completing training and certification in trending areas of massage you can often increase your offerings into more lucrative types of therapy. 

Massage Therapist Education

Getting New Clients for a Massager Therapy Practice

Every business needs to bring in new clients. Here are a few strategies you can try as a massage therapist. 

Referrals: Most massage businesses grow by word of mouth but that doesn’t mean referrals always just happen on their own. You can incentivize your clients to tell their friends. Offer your clients a discount on their next appointment when someone they referred books their first appointment with you. 

Reviews: 92% of prospective new clients who aren’t coming in from a referral will check the reviews on your massage studio listing online before booking. It’s easy to set up a Google Business Profile (GBP) and start getting eviews from your happy clients. 

Reviews help prospective clients get the confidence they need to book you for the first time. The more high quality, high rated reviews you have, the better.

The most reviewed massage therapy practices usually ask their clients for a review. You can use PocketSuite to smart campaigns to automatically text all new clients asking them for a review. 

If you don’t ask for reviews, then very few people will actually remember to leave you one. And unfortunately, the people who are likely to remember to leave you a review can often be the unhappy ones. So ask your happy clients for a review!

Social Media: If you serve a lot of stress out and busy professionals, social media can remind your clients who need a massage to book you and help you connect with more people who just need to relax. 

Remember this clientele that needs to relax are looking for calming images that remind them of how much better they will feel when they finish an appointment with you. 

Massage Therapist Better Booking

Hiring Massage Therapists And Building a Bigger Massage Business

Once you are able to fill your own book of massage clients reliably, there is no reason to stop. After all, you have proven you are good at building a massage business. You can help other massage therapists by hiring them and using your skills to fill their book of clients as well. It is a win-win for everyone!

PocketSuite Teams has a tool for managing teams and organizing the booking for all of your massage staff. You can also mentor your staff to provide the atmosphere and the quality your business demands. When your business has multiple massage therapists working with full books every week, the sky is truly the limit in enjoying your life and making a great living.

The road to $100K will look different for everyone, but this roadmap will help you get where you want to be while growing your massage business empire. 

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How to Become a Massage Therapist Wed, 21 Jul 2021 10:46:00 +0000 Massage therapists treat clients by using touch – mainly hands and elbows – to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body.

The purpose of massage therapy varies with each patient, but tends to focus on relieving pain, helping rehabilitate injuries, reducing stress, increasing relaxation, and improving the general wellness of your clients.

Massage therapist massaging a client's back

You can work in a spa, health clinic, doctors’ office, hotel, and gyms and fitness centers. When you’re self-employed and just starting out, you might want to offer on-call mobile service where you travel to the client’s home or place of business. The start-up costs of running a mobile massage therapy service are virtually nonexistent – just the cost of your massage table and other equipment, plus a dependable vehicle to get you where you’re going.

Massage therapists typically complete a postsecondary education program of 500 or more hours of study and experience, although standards and requirements vary by state. Most states regulate massage therapy and require these therapists to have a certification that provides proof of proper training. Only a few states mandate a formal license. You’ll still want to get training and certification to establish yourself as a credentialed professional. That will make your services more attractive to new clients when they are evaluating which massage therapist to work with.

Most of all, you’ll earn a good living while enjoying the professional satisfaction of helping people feel better as you assist in improving their quality of life.

Read on to find out how you can become a massage therapist.

In this article you’ll learn:

  • How much money you can make as a massage therapist
  • The required training and certifications
  • Professional groups to join
  • Employment opportunities for massage therapists
  • Finding clients
  • Plus helpful tips

How much money can you make?

Massage therapists on average earn $42,820 per year, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. This works out to about $20.60 per hour.

Massage therapist massaging client's neck and shoulders

The employment outlook for massage therapists is projected to grow 22 percent through 2028, the bureau reports. This will be much faster than the average for all occupations. Demand will likely increase as more healthcare providers understand the benefits of massage and these services become part of treatment plans.

Opening your own massage spa can significantly boost your income as a result of self-employment. Still, many massage therapists start out working for a spa or private health facility before jumping into the world of an entrepreneur and all the attendant expenses that come with running your own business.

Training and Certification

You do not currently need a license to be a massage therapist in Wyoming, Minnesota, or Kansas. That can obviously change any time as state legislatures devote a portion of every year to creating new laws and regulations. For up-to-date state licensing requirements, check-out this article.

Even in a state where you do not need a license, you should become trained and certified, anyway. Why? Simple psychology. Someone who can benefit from massage therapy will almost always choose a trained and certified professional if given the option. Wouldn’t you?

Massage therapist massaging client's shoulders

According to the ABMP (Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals) bi-annual census of all state-approved massage programs for 2020, there are 919 state approved massage programs in the United States. You should have no trouble finding a program suitable for your needs.

A massage therapist typically begins work after completing a postsecondary non-degree program of around 500 Hours. Practical and technical aspects of the practice are introduced during this training. Most massage therapy education incorporates theoretical knowledge with practical experience in either classroom or face-to-face instruction as well as online studies. Client engagement and business principles are also taught.

You can also choose to specialize in different therapeutic techniques. These include Swedish massage, biodynamic massage and sports massage. Broadly speaking, your training will involve learning how to massage specific muscles in different areas of the body to produce maximum benefits. Anatomy and physiology are also topics covered in coursework.

States that regulate massage therapy will require a passing score on the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam. Often, you’ll need to earn continuing education credits to maintain and renew your massage therapy license or certificate.

Here’s an extensive list of massage therapist schools and training programs.

Professional Groups to Join

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals is a national membership association that offers much more than great liability insurance to make it simpler for massage and bodywork practitioners and students to succeed.  Membership starts at $199 per year. ABMP has distinguished itself for two main reasons:

  • ABMP’s comprehensive program of liability and business property insurance is considered the standard for the profession. Specifically created to address the needs of massage therapists and bodyworkers, the policy included with membership offers “occurrence form” coverage; professional, general, and product liability coverage with the highest limits available; no additional fee for Additional Insured Endorsements; and no “shared member” charges, like some other associations. In sum, it’s quality insurance coverage.
  • ABMP members get the most responsive, knowledgeable service and a comprehensive package of member benefits that incorporates free continuing education hours, member discounts, a free business website, Massage and Bodywork magazine, legislative advocacy and more.

Check-out the ABMP PocketSuite Edition here.

Massage therapist using forearms to massage client's upper back

The American Massage Therapy Association is the largest nonprofit professional organization serving massage therapists, students and massage schools. The association is directed by volunteer leadership and fosters ongoing, direct member involvement through 51 chapters. AMTA advances the profession through ethics and standards, the promotion of fair and consistent licensing of massage therapists, and public education on the benefits of therapeutic massage. A professional membership is $235 per year.

National Association of Complementary and Alternative Medicines is an organization that serves health, wellness, and beauty professionals by giving support, marketing materials, state licensing and insurance requirements, and access to liability insurance for massage therapists.


You’ll find work as a massage therapist in health and beauty spas, physicians’ offices, public and private gyms and fitness centers, as well as hospitals and medical clinics.

Massage therapist massaging client's lower leg

Most employers will ask for proof of licensure, if required in your state, and academic/training credentials and certifications, so you should make photocopies to hand out with your résumé. Call the business where you are interested in working and ask if it will be okay for you to drop off your materials in person. If they prefer that you mail your information, always follow up with a phone call within a week.

Use the networking power of your professional memberships to find jobs.

Check online sites such as and Ziprecruiter, which can yield job openings, but keep in mind that laws regulating massage therapy will vary from state-to-state. If you move to another state, you’ll have to meet their requirements to practice. With some online services, you can set up a notification to receive a daily email with job openings in the areas you’ve selected.

Finding Clients

Business cards and a basic website should be the core of your marketing toolkit as a massage therapist. The website need not be fancy or expensive, just attractively designed, with photos of your studio or salon (get permission from any customers who are visibly recognizable). The website must also include your business location and contact information at the top of every page.

Massage therapist massaging client's arm

In addition to your business website, the next thing to do is create an Instagram account to showcase your massage therapy practice. Instagram is the #1 online venue for creative professionals to promote themselves. It’s a free marketing tool that’s always working on your behalf.

Next, set up a Facebook page for your massage therapy practice so that people searching for this therapy can find you. This, too, is a free service that can benefit your business by putting you front-and-center of potentially thousands of customers.

Other strategies for attracting new business:

  • Create a referral program with discounts for returning customers who bring new clients to you.
  • Ask customers to review your services online. According to a recent survey, 90% of people say their buying decisions are influenced by positive online reviews.

Good to know:

Beyond the fundamentals of finding clients, here are additional tips you can use to market your massage therapy practice at little expense to you.

Mail some postcards

Target neighborhoods close to your location with an introductory postcard offering a discount for new customers. Learn more about USPS bulk mailing tools and services here.

Work your contact list via email

Stay in touch with your clients, especially those you haven’t seen in a while. Consider offering a “we miss you” special as an incentive to get return business.

Host an Open House

Advertise an afternoon of free Q&A and a tour of your facility. Create a visually appealing flyer and post it on community bulletin boards, at libraries, medical offices, fitness centers and apartment complexes.  List the event on all your online sites as well.  Complimentary bottled water and cookies or some other inexpensive treat create an inviting atmosphere. You could even offer free massage sessions as door prizes.

Massage therapist using elbow to massage client's upper leg

Create a loyal customer rewards program

Offer a discount or free massage after a customer completes a certain number of sessions. When customers have a goal to get a freebie, they tend to stick around.

Offer package deals

You can set up an agreement with a beauty spa or salon to offer a special price on a suite of services. The customer buys the package and you get the money up-front.

Take appointments online

Use the PocketSuite app to schedule your clients, create invoices and get paid. It’s easy.

Write a regular blog

Post articles about the health benefits of your massage therapy, as well as helpful advice on exercise, diet and anything else related to your business that customers would find useful. This builds up your expertise and over time makes you a go-to authority on massage therapy. That’s good for business.

Offer mobile services

You and your massage table travel to the customer. It’s so easy for clients to say “yes” when they don’t have to do anything or go anywhere to get a therapeutic massage.

If you enjoyed this article, check out some more great content that can help you grow your career as a massage therapist. Here’s a great place to start.PocketSuite has thousands of business owners who all started where you are right now. Our community is always happy to help you ramp up, grow your client base, and achieve your income goals, both within the PocketSuite app and as part of our exclusive Facebook Community Group. PocketSuite’s vision is for any professional to be able to work for themselves and make a great living. It starts here. It starts with you. It starts today. Let’s get started, download PocketSuite now! Feel free to reach out with any questions (we’d love to hear from you)! Text us @ (415) 841-2300.

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How to Get More Clients On Soothe! Tue, 06 Jul 2021 01:00:44 +0000 Are you a massage therapist working with Soothe to get clients You’re not alone – Soothe employs over 13,000 massage therapists in almost 70 cities across the US, UK, Australia, and Canada. Soothe is an app that sends a licensed massage therapist to a client’s home, and was founded in 2013 by Harvard Business School graduate Merlin Kauffman.

The platform has been dubbed the ‘Uber of Massage’ by fans of the service, likely because it provides on-demand massage therapy services. Soothe connects licensed massage therapists with clients seeking stress relief.

As a professional massage therapist, you’re probably wondering how you can make the most of your time and skills with Soothe.

In this article, we’ll break down the top reasons that make working with Soothe different from a traditional day job as a massage therapist at a spa and also give tips on how you can make the most of your new gig.


No doubt, you joined Soothe because they claim that you can make over 3 times as much money as you can make working at a spa.

Soothe offers a 60, 90, or 120 minute massage, which starts at $129 for a 60 minute massage in most US cities. Massage therapists earn 70% of this service price.

Clients can also purchase a monthly or yearly membership, which knocks 20-25% off the retail price.

You can also pick and choose the dates and times that you’d like to work unlike working with a traditional spa.

Their hours range from 8AM to midnight, which gives you plenty of flexibility in terms of setting your own schedule.

While you’re working hard to give your clients a relaxing experience, Soothe has been racing to become the head honcho in the $16B massage therapy industry.

In 2018, Soothe acquired a competing massage therapy startup called Melt, helping it grow even faster and further dominate the massage therapy market.

This is the not the only acquisition made by this Silicon-valley based startup –  they also acquired Y Combinator-backed startup UnWind Me back in 2015.

With this knowledge, you can rest assured that you’re working with an industry leader.

If you’ve passed the rigorous qualification process and been granted access to the platform as a massage therapist, you’re part of the chosen few.

According to Soothe, over 30% of applicants are rejected. They only work with massage therapists that are licensed and independently insured.

So now that you’ve become a part of the Soothe network of professionals, how do you make the most of it?


There are several practices that 5-star rated massage therapists always perform when operating on the platform.

Top massage therapists will bring a table, fresh sheets, and an assortment of lotions with them to the job.

Secondly, if you’re ever worked at a retail establishment or at a coffee shop, you know how rigorously they train and emphasize delivering service with a smile.

Being warm and friendly will also go a long way as this is a service industry and thus having great customer service skills is critical.

This inviting attitude will serve you well and may even lead to more tips and a higher dollar-per-hour pay in your pocket.

Soothe offers some guidance for therapists on their website.


Confirm the type of massage, duration and areas that require extra attention or should be avoided.


If you feel uncomfortable, leave – no explanation necessary.


Use the app to communicate with your clients.


Use the app to check-in and check-out of appointments.


Use the app for payments.

Soothe then provides you with contact info in case you have any questions, and purports to have 24/7 support for their therapists through phone, text, and email.

The website also mentions some common ‘scams’ of ‘fraud’ attempted by Soothe clients that they warn you about:

Underpayment Scam

Client will try to pay you directly. Refuse.

Tipping Scam

Soothe says that if someone offers to tip in cash, this can be considered Tax Fraud because it can’t be tracked by the IRS. Soothe urges clients to tip within the app.

Appointment Extension Scam

Make sure you see Tip #1 above – Perform a Thorough Intake. Soothe will not compensate you if you go over your allotted time.

Overall, it seems like a win-win for both clients and massage therapists.
A client can book a massage at their convenience and have a massage therapist at their home within 24 hours.

Massage therapists can create and manage their own schedule and work on Soothe as their part-time side hustle or they can build their client base and work full-time using the app.

However, several massage therapists working with the company have claimed that Soothe has lowered their pay, plays favorites, and taken away clients from them.

In order to ensure this type of work culture doesn’t cut into your income as a massage therapist, it’s important to build your own list of clientele as well.

This is where PocketSuite comes in to save the day!


It can be financially as well as professionally rewarding to truly work for yourself by launching your own massage therapy business.

However, if you’re seeking income independence, there are some key things to keep in mind.


Most, if not all, new clients will most likely find you online. It’s the reason companies like Soothe are doing so well – they’re taking advantage of client’s inherent bias towards searching online when looking for a new service provider of any kind.

Be visible online. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Google
  • Yelp
  • Online Directories

Of course, without a way for clients to book you, you’re throwing money down the drain because folks will find your business listing, not see an actionable way to book you, and simply move on to a provider that does have online booking.

A simple solution for this would be to install your PocketSuite online booking widget  everywhere you’re showing up online, giving your customers an easy way to book your services as soon as they see your listing


If you get a lead, give them a call and send them a text message with your booking link as soon as possible!

PocketSuite makes this easy with the business messaging feature – it converts your business messages to text messages and sends them directly to your leads.

Smart Campaigns is another feature that allows you to automatically, proactively follow up with your massage therapy leads to ensure they book with you and not someone else.


Speaking of managing your business, PocketSuite has a full-fledged suite of business tools to help you run your entire massage therapy business from a single app.

Give the Premium plan a shot – you won’t be disappointed, and you’ll be able to finally spend more time building your small business into the behemoth it’s destined to be!

If you’re already using PocketSuite, here’s how to set it up for your massage therapy practice.

Like this article? Check out our article on why massage therapists should become licensed, and how to get licensed.

You’ll also love our guide on how to generate leads for service businesses in 2022, and of course our Frustrations with Square article!

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How and Why You Should Get Your Massage Therapy License Fri, 25 Jun 2021 21:52:52 +0000 Calling all unlicensed massage therapists! Your call to action has finally arrived – in this article we’re going full shiatsu on why it’s critically important to get your massage therapy license if you want to compete in today’s saturated market of 385,000 massage schools and students.

Becoming licensed takes time and effort, so ideally you want to be certain you’re allocating your time and resources to get the best bang for your buck in terms of investing in your massage therapy business and yourself as a business owner.

We’ll discuss what to focus on, provide resources for training and certification, as well as additional resources for your perusing pleasure.

We’ll also cover the basics of why this is important to begin with. After all, if you’re going to invest time and energy in upgrading your business to the next level, it’s important that you’re not running East looking for a sunset!

This article will be your north star in terms of guiding you to licensed salvation.

We’re going to get deep in with our elbows and really unravel this knot of confusion that stresses most unlicensed massage therapists out – getting licensed – how and why?

Self help gurus advocate that the how always follows the why, so let’s take a page out of their personal development book and follow that same rhythm.


According to an IBIS report from 2017, massage therapy is a $16B market.

One of the best ways that you can differentiate yourself from the competition (of which there is plenty) is to become a licensed massage therapist.

The benefits of this are numerous and self-evident, but here they are regardless:

  • Become a Trusted Pro
  • Grow Your Client Base
  • Take Advantage of Special Business Opportunities

In our usual fashion, we’ll be tackling these one by one. Let’s start off with the trust aspect.


If someone wanted to touch your body (roughly), wouldn’t you feel more comfortable knowing that they’ve been trained and certified to perform those actions?

That’s exactly how your clients feel.

You may be acutely aware of all pressure points, danger zones, and warm-up routines that constitute a consistently invigorating massage experience for your clients. (By the way, all puns intended!)

But they don’t know that!

So how are you going to communicate this to them? Just tell them?

You’d be falling into the all-too-common trap of the Self-Serving Bias (also known as the Self Preservation bias – basically it means that folks are more likely to say things that would be beneficial to enhance their own self image).

Instead of being the dime-store huckster who’s constantly selling themselves to everyone, why not prove your worth by putting in the time and effort to earn a certificate which binds a trusted seal of approval to your name and your brand.


We already mentioned that you’d be winning over more clients and leading with a trust symbol that captures their attention and makes them more comfortable with booking a deep tissue with you.

Ideally, you could accomplish this by displaying your license visibly in your place of business and also in your social media. Facebook and Instagram are great platforms to post a picture of yourself holding your license!

Make sure to also include the logo of the accredited state institution from which you hold a license on your website. You could even put it on your PocketSuite booking form to increase trust when folks book you online.

All of these tips will help clients choose you over the competition, which ensures the long term health of your massage therapy business!


There are tertiary benefits to becoming licensed. Not only do you get more opportunities to work with trusted lenders as well as payment processors (that want to see a massage therapist with a license since it mitigates their risk and increases your lifetime value. If you are licensed, you are likely to have less unsatisfied clients who request refunds or dispute their credit card payments to you.)

You’re missing out on some serious networking opportunities by not being part of professional massage therapy organizations as well! A lot of these organizations will only include licensed massage therapists as members. It makes their network appear to be more exclusive and, thus, more valuable to those who want to do business with massage therapists from large brands to consumers looking to book sessions.

Further, these organizations really teach you how to turn your massage therapy business into a full-fledged career. Don’t miss out on this!

One last tip for you on this: if you are planning on hiring other massage therapists, make sure they’re licensed as well to mitigate your own risk.

Okay, now that we’ve chopped and kneaded this issue into submission, let’s move on to the brass tacks of it all. Namely, how to actually get your massage therapy license.


According to AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) there currently exist in excess of  265+ accredited massage therapy institutions in the United States alone.

Here is an abbreviated 3 step process for getting your massage therapy license that is recommended by the AMTA itself:

  1. Complete a training program at a massage therapy school that will qualify you to practice in your location.
  2. Upon graduation, meet the requirements of your state or municipality (such as obtaining a license or other credential, if you practice in an area where massage therapy is regulated). This will most likely require passing the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx).
  3. Find a school or program near you: see a listing of AMTA School members.

You can also find a list of schools by state here.

In simpler terms, you need to go through a training program and then pass the MBLEx!

Click the link above to find an accredited school to get your training program under your belt.

Then, once you’ve graduated from training, go to the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMFB) and apply to take the MBLEx.

There is a varied assortment of practice tests available online that you can take before putting up the cash to take the actual MBLEx.

Make sure you practice at least once before diving into the exam as it is known to be challenging!

For example, here’s one of the test prep questions:

Quite a doozy, no doubt – study up!

Make sure you’re prepared. I have faith in you! Thousands of massage therapy pros are killing it on PocketSuite and so can you. You can easily make a $100,000+ a year in income as a licensed massage therapist.

Dealing with messaging, payments, recurring appointments, scheduling, and administrative hassles can become quite a burden as you grow your massage therapy business.

For this reason, I would recommend saving yourself some time and headaches and finding a solution that can take the work out of your massage practice, and enable you to focus on what you’re best at.

Speaking of, once you’re licensed, you should give PocketSuite a shot if you need an app that can run your entire front-end business for you, so you can focus on healing, de-stressing your clients, and running your massage therapy business.

You’ll finally be at peace and can breathe a sigh of relief as your business runs on auto-pilot. Imagine that! Now go make it a reality. You’ve got nothing, but glory ahead. 🙂

Like this article? You’ll love our guide on how to generate leads for service businesses in 2022, and of course our Frustrations with Square article!

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Arbor College School of Massage Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:34:21 +0000 Arbor College School of Massage Overview

The Clinical Massage Therapy diploma is a 620-hour program developed to provide an educational experience that supports students in becoming skilled, caring, Licensed Massage Therapists. The curriculum is a well-planned series of courses, each supporting and expanding students’ understanding of massage therapy. The college gives a “real-world” educational experience for students that is challenging and enjoyable. The teaching format combines facilitated interactive discussion, practical demonstration, individual and small group projects, and regulated massage practice.

Training Programs at Arbor College School of Massage

  • Clinical Massage Therapy Diploma Program
  • Price Range: Starting at $5,850 

Resources for Arbor College School of Massage

Josef’s School of Hair, Skin & Body Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:34:21 +0000 Josef’s School of Hair, Skin & Body Overview

Known as the longest lasting massage therapy program in North Dakota,  the goal is to develop students into the best massage therapists possible. The school believes in personalized education at a reasonable price. Certified Massage Therapist Programs are intended for adult students looking to join a rewarding and holistic health profession. Massage students complete the full program to obtain national certification.

Training Programs at Josef’s School of Hair, Skin & Body

  • Certified Massage Therapist Program
  • Price Range: Starting at $13,500 

Resources for Josef’s School of Hair, Skin & Body

American Institute of Alternative Medicine Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:34:21 +0000 American Institute of Alternative Medicine Overview

AIAM has been teaching holistic skills in massage therapy since 1994, making their program the longest-running massage program in Central Ohio. AIAM’s program specializes in teaching neuromuscular therapy – an aptitude employers look for when hiring LMTs. THey also teach students key business skills. Massage therapy employers seek out AIAM graduates specifically for their skills and professionalism. An on-site clinic gives students the chance to work with real patients from the Columbus area.

Training Programs at American Institute of Alternative Medicine

  • Massage Therapy Program
  • Price Range: Starting at $13,907.50 

Resources for American Institute of Alternative Medicine

Lane Community College Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:34:21 +0000 Lane Community College Overview

Lane Community College’s Massage Therapy Program is intended to give students a solid foundation in both the academic and hands-on elements of therapeutic massage.

Courses are designed to prepare students to take the licensing tests required by the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists, and the curriculum is affirmed by the Board and by the State of Oregon Department of Community College and Workforce Development. Instructors in the program bring years of professional experience from the field of massage and bodywork into the classroom.

Training Programs at Lane Community College

  • Massage Therapy Program
  • Price Range: Starting at $9,000 

Resources for Lane Community College
