Tennis Instructor/Coach – PocketSuite Mon, 04 Apr 2022 15:47:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tennis Instructor/Coach – PocketSuite 32 32 How To Become A Private Tennis Trainer/Coach Sun, 01 Aug 2021 18:07:44 +0000 Tennis is the most popular individual sport in the world, with more than a billion fans. There are nearly 18 million active players in the United States and another 14 million who say they are interested in the game but have not yet picked up a racquet. The cost of entry is also low, compared to many sports. A decent adult racquet averages $60. Add another $10 or less for a can of 3 tennis balls, gym shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of comfortable athletic shoes, and you’re all set.

Becoming a Tennis Coach

Because of the sport’s popularity, private tennis coaches are in hot demand. You can find work as a tennis pro at a private country club, teach a school team or run your own business as a private coach, which is where you stand to make the most money unless you’re coaching a player on the pro circuit.

If you’re interested in becoming a private tennis coach, chances are you have a lot of experience playing tennis. Training as a private coach will take your skillset further, while showing you how to prepare tennis lessons and teach them effectively. Certification as a private coach will also help you develop the skills needed to run your own business.

One of the joys of tennis is new superstars are always emerging as champions of the sport. Perhaps you’ll coach one of them. But first, you’ve got to get ready.

In this article you’ll learn:

  • How much money you can make as a private tennis coach
  • The required training and certifications
  • Professional groups to join
  • Employment opportunities
  • Finding players as a private tennis coach
  • Plus helpful tips for private tennis coaches

How much money can you make?

Nationwide, private tennis coaches charge between $25 and $90 an hour, with $45 per hour being the average. Coaches with many years of experience or tournament wins can charge more due to their reputation in the sport.

Fees are usually charged by the full hour to encourage longer student participation. For instance, a private coaching charging $45 an hour might charge $25 or $30 for 30 minutes to encourage students to book the full hour. Think about it: your transportation costs to get to the tennis court and other business expenses are the same whether you’re coaching for 30 minutes or a full hour. Over time, it will be more profitable and efficient to coach by the hour.

Training and Certification

There are two main ways to become certified as a professional tennis coach: through the United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) or the Professional Tennis Registry (PTR).

The main difference between the associations is how their programs are designed. The USPTA certifies coaches to teach at all skill levels and age groups, and then allows coaches to progress based on their growing experience and knowledge. The PTR certifies coaches to work with specific age or skill levels and offers specialization training.

Tennis Coach Training and Certification

Let’s start with the USPTA program.

You can review the USPTA’s accreditation manual here.

Starting in 2021, USPTA will require new certification candidates to have 1,500 hours (or a 1-year apprenticeship) of education. Mentors will also be assigned to new applicants to assist them through the certification process.

Part of accreditation includes completion of the Safe Play course. Safe Play is the USPTA’s athlete safety program for appropriate conduct in tennis.

USPTA membership is currently $224 a year. There is also a $199 application fee.  You receive discounts for paying 3-5 years in advance, or you can buy a lifetime membership for $750.

To advance your training, you can also become certified in specializations including padel, pickelball and wheelchair accreditation.

Several tennis organizations offer the training program leading to USPTA certification so it’s worthwhile to shop around for the best price. Currently the cost of the certification program is about $600.

Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  •         How to plan, organize, and manage group and private lessons for beginners through intermediate-level players. 
  •         Organize and conduct competitive and social events for players of all ages and levels, including USTA tournaments, and in-house play.
  •         A basic foundation of the sports sciences, so you will be able to apply the principles of growth and development when working with young players.
  •         How to string and re-grip racquets and recommend the right equipment to students.
  •         Tennis facility business operations and safety.
What to learn as a tennis coach

There are three levels of USPTA certification: professional, elite professional and master professional. You cannot become an elite professional until you pass the professional exam, and you can’t become a master until you have been an elite for at least 10 years.

PTR membership and certification

PTR membership and certification is currently $299 in the United States and Canada. After that, annual membership is $159.

There are 5 steps leading to PTR certification:

  1. Register for a Certification Workshop and choose the age group you want to coach: 10 & Under, 11 to 17, Performance or Adult Development.
  2. Attend the Certification Workshop (10 & Under, 11 to 17, Performance or Adult Development). At the completion of the workshop, you can take the certification test.

There are eight regional PTR education centers in the United States where you can complete the workshop.

  1. Study and Prepare for the Certification Test

After you submit your application, membership fees and workshop registration, PTR sends a link to access study materials for the workshop and certification testing.

  1. Background Check & Safe Play

This is now a requirement for all certified coaches in the United States. More information on completing the Safe Play training is available here. The class costs $20.

  1. Pass the PTR Certification Test
ptr test for tennis coach

The highest certification rating is Professional, followed by Instructor, then Associate Instructor. Your overall certification rating is the lowest of your test scores.

You can retake any of the tests 60 days after your most recent exam date. Retesting fees apply. If you post a lower score on your second try, you can keep your original score.

Some of the benefits of PTR membership and accreditation:

  • Continuing Education Award Levels
  • Listing on the PTR Find a Coach/Pro website
  • Media Kit
  • Custom Business Cards
  • Job Bulletin
  • $6 Million liability insurance coverage available
  • Sexual Abuse & Molestation Insurance
  • Education Dashboard with free content
  • Invitations to the International Tennis Symposium, tournaments, conferences and courses
  • PTR Coach App – A tool for video analysis, technical reference, goal setting, and player assessments. Loads on your smartphone.

Both the USPTA and PTR are nationally recognized organizations that help their members with developing and operating as a tennis coaching professional, on-court insurance, discounted apparel and equipment, plus teaching, lesson tools and other resources.

Private coaches can be a member of both organizations at the same time.

Both associations evaluate coaches in training with on-court skill tests and written exams that cover tennis technique, teaching skills and business management.

The USPTA requires professionals to earn six education credits every three years to maintain their certification.

You’ll also be evaluated on your preparation of basic lessons for students. The lessons should include technique, strategy, practice habits, and conditioning, moving into ground strokes, serves, returns, footwork and net play.

Professional Groups to Join

You’ll want to maintain membership in your accrediting organization, either the USPTA or the PTR. You can also follow the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) for men players and the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA). Both associations provide up-to-date tournament calendars and a wealth of news and information of value to private coaches.


To find work as a tennis pro at a country club or athletic facility, you’ll need certification from one of the major organizations as outlined above. Certification is such a standard expectation that you’ll be at a competitive disadvantage in the job market until you’ve got that credential.

Country clubs are a great place to start looking for work. Also, local athletic facilities including the YMCA will need tennis coaches for their programs. This is where it helps to have multiple certifications so you can coach different age levels.

Employment as a tennis coach

Coaching high school or college teams can provide an income while you work to establish your private coaching business. At the high school level, many coaches work with teams part-time and teach school as their main occupation. If you don’t have a teaching license and college degree in education, you’ll need to check with local schools to see if they employ seasonal coaches on a part-time basis.

Finding Clients

USPTA-certified tennis pros receive priority listing on the US Tennis Association Net Generation Coaches Search website. This helps nearby clients find you based on location. You’ll also want to sign up on the USTPA’s own search site for pro coaches.

PTR members can list their business on the organization’s Find a Coach/Pro website.

Word-of-mouth advertising remains an excellent way to build your client base. Once you have one private client, ask that individual to spread the word, leave reviews of your coaching on social media platforms and tell everyone in their circle of friends who is interested in tennis.

If you offer specialized training, promote your private coaching to local college and high school teams whose members may want to focus on certain skills during the off-season.

Offer incentives to new students who book a block of training sessions, as opposed to just an hour or two.

Good to know:

  •         Effective tennis coaches work within the age groups and skill levels they’ve been trained to teach. Resist the temptation to take on a student whose skills or age are outside your area of teaching expertise.
  •         Set competitive rates for half hour and full hour sessions. Call around and check with other tennis pros to find out what they’re charging.
  •         Decide on your availability and a consistent location for training.
  •         Do you need to budget in the fees for court time to hold your training sessions, or will you be able to find a free public court that is consistently available during your coaching hours?

If you enjoyed this article, check out some other content that can help you grow your career as a private tennis instructor. Here’s a great place to start.

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The United States Tennis Association (USTA) Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 An Overview of The United States Tennis Association (USTA)

The United States Tennis Association (USTA) is the national governing body for the sport of tennis and the recognized leader in promoting and developing the sport’s growth on every level in the United States, from local communities to the US Open.

Established in 1881, the USTA is a not-for-profit organization whose volunteers, professional staff, and financial resources promote and develop the growth of tennis. The USTA is the largest tennis organization in the world, with 17 geographical regions, more than 700,000 individual members and 7,000 organizational members, thousands of volunteers, and a professional staff.

How to Join The United States Tennis Association (USTA)

Viasit the webaite linked below to register.

If you previously registered, be sure to check everything you want to continue to receive moving forward.

Resources for The United States Tennis Association (USTA)

Location: 70 W Red Oak Ln West Harrison





International Tennis Performance Association Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 An Overview of International Tennis Performance Association

International Tennis Performance Association (iTPA) is the worldwide education and certification organization for trainers, coaches and specialists.

Through education combined with professional credentialing, the iTPA aims to be the leader in tennis performance, education and certification for individuals and organizations working within the industry.

How to Join International Tennis Performance Association

iTPA TPT, CTPS or MTPS-certified members can sign up and pay for each respective level. Once registered, you will have access to the iTPA Inner Circle for 1 year regardless of passing the exam or obtaining certification. Within 24 hours of registering, iTPA staff will email your coupon code and website link to access and take the exam. 12 weeks are given to take the test. If after this amount of time you have not been able to pass the exam or haven’t yet taken it, you can retake for a $59 fee that grants another 12 weeks. You can become an iTPA Affiliate member and have access to membership website by signing up and paying the $49 per year fee. Visit the iTPA Fellows page to learn how to apply to become an iTPA Fellow. Fellows will receive an email with log in information for the Member Only website as soon as the application has been approved.

Visit this website to access the iTPA Inner Circle Members-Only page:

Resources for International Tennis Performance Association

Location: Marietta, Georgia, USA, 30064




United States Professional Tennis Association Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 An Overview of United States Professional Tennis Association 

Founded in 1927, USPTA is the world’s oldest and largest association of tennis-teaching professionals. With more than 15,000 members worldwide, USPTA offers nearly 70 professional benefits, including certification and educational opportunities.

With more than 300 days of education annually and online opportunities, USPTA says it offers the most comprehensive education program in the tennis industry. It provides opportunities for tennis-teaching professionals to improve their teaching skills and increase their business knowledge. The association also serves as a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and experience among members.

USPTA Professionals offer a wide range of programs suitable for players of all levels, from beginner to professional.

How to Join United States Professional Tennis Association 

The following requirements apply only to the Certified Professional membership track.

• A completed application.
• Nonrefundable application fee.
• Dues for the current year, prorated to the month in which he or she is applying.

Click on the webvsite linked below to begin the application process.

Resources for United States Professional Tennis Association 

Location: 11961 Performance Dr. Orlando, Florida





American Tennis Association, Inc. Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 An Overview of American Tennis Association, Inc.

As an organization their reach extends beyond the local level with partnerships/sponsorships to offer future programs, events and community engagement.

The ATA has taken necessary steps to invest especially in junior tennis achievement.

How to Join American Tennis Association, Inc.

A variety of Annual, Multi-Year, and Life Membership levels are available as well as Section/Club Memberships to meet the needs of all players and ATA Clubs.

Family Membership (includes a family  2 adults, 2 children) $60.00

See all options on the website linked below and start your ATA Membership.

Resources for American Tennis Association, Inc.

Location: 9701 Apollo Dr Largo, Maryland





Women’s Tennis Coaching Association Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 An Overview of Women’s Tennis Coaching Association

The WTCA was founded in 2015.

The Association is the first of its kind; currently being the only professional global organization formed solely in support of coaches working with female players. Their mission is to keep more girls in tennis by advancing the coaching of female players. By establishing an online platform, the WTCA is able to reach, educate and inspire coaches through a variety of courses, mentorships, and conferences in order to provide them with better coaching tools to support female athletes’ journey to success.

How to Join Women’s Tennis Coaching Association

With instructional videos, mentorship programs, conferences around the globe, and educational coaching courses, the WTCA both educates and inspires passionate tennis coaches with the goal of enhancing the world of women’s tennis. Online courses come with certifications, helping coaches to both learn and draw in more athletes. Members will also have access to WTCA material on both their website and social media pages.

Individual Tennis Coaches

Tennis Club Coaching Staff

Resources for Women’s Tennis Coaching Association

Location: 19700 Bloomfield ave, Cerritos, CA





Women’s Professional Tennis Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 An Overview of Women’s Professional Tennis

Founded by Billie Jean King in 1973 on the principle of equal opportunity for women in sports, the WTA is the global leader in women’s professional tennis with more than 1,650 players representing 84 nations competing for a record $180 million in prize money. In 2019, the WTA was watched by a global audience of 700 million. The 2020 WTA Tour includes 55 events and four Grand Slams, spanning across six continents and 29 countries and regions. The season culminates with the Shiseido WTA Finals Shenzhen, offering a $14 million total prize purse and honoring the season’s top singles and doubles players.

How to Join Women’s Professional Tennis

To join, provide complete details when you register for an account on the website linked below. 

Resources for Women’s Professional Tennis

Location: St. Petersburg, Florida, USA





Global Professional Tennis Coach Association (GPTCA) Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 An Overview of Global Professional Tennis Coach Association (GPTCA)

The Global Professional Tennis Coach Association (GPTCA) is an international organization dedicated to educating, training, and assisting professional tennis coaches who wish to evolve at the ATP World Tour level or want to work in women’s pro tennis.

Founded on August 28th, 2010, by 49 tour-level tennis coaches in a meeting at the famous Nino Tuscany’s restaurant in New York City, the GPTCA has continually worked to further the knowledge of tennis coaches who participate in the sport. Its president, Alberto Castellani, in his first speech described the mission of the association as “to raise the standard of pro tennis coaching around the globe thanks to the experience of the best ATP and WTA Tour coaches who share their knowledge with less experienced coaches.”

How to Join Global Professional Tennis Coach Association (GPTCA)

• Determining Eligibility
Send them your detailed CV (or use our level recommender) so that our Board Members could determine what level – A, B or C – is appropriate for you. Note that the level A is attained mostly on the basis of achievements. Level B and C certfiication is usually gained through successful completion of courses, though it can be granted on the basis of a proven track in working with tennis players.

• Participation in a course
Unless you have been assigned one of the three levels of coaching proficiency, you have to take part in a course (B or C-Level) organized by the GPCTA in one of its member countries or through their Online University. Upon successful completion of the course, you become a Full Member of the GPTCA and can enjoy exclusive benefits.

• Fees
Entry Fee (excluding A-Level Members): 100 EUR
Annual Membership Fee: 100 EUR

Resources for Global Professional Tennis Coach Association (GPTCA)

Location: USA





Tennis Coach Associations Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 Associations for Tennis Coaches

Tennis has grown in momentum since development of the sport in the 12th century. Tennis instructors / coaches are increasingly sought after. Associations have developed to represent those professionals in the industry, and to help regulate and promote ongoing learning and career opportunities. Associations allow individual professionals to come together and create a unified voice, offer support and advice to professionals both new and experienced, to help in the overcoming legal obstacles, collaboration and sharing of industry-specific resources. By joining an association, a tennis instructor can feel supported, encouraged and engaged in the community of professionals.

Tennis Coach Certification Wed, 23 Jun 2021 09:37:07 +0000 Training & Certification for Tennis Coaches

In order to become a tennis instructor, specific training is required. At minimum, most places of work require individuals to have a bachelor’s degree in fitness or a related field such as exercise and sports science, physiology, kinesiology, nutrition and fitness, physical education, or sports medicine. For those wishing to teach specifically within a school, a teaching degree may also be beneficial. While it is possible to be hired at a high school without a teaching degree, it is highly recommended. Those wishing to become a talent scout will typically have a fitness degree as well as a second degree in sports management. It is also essential for tennis coaches of all levels to be trained in both first aid and CPR, and be at least 18 years old.

Some states require individuals to undertake the Coaching Education Program to become both certified and registered as a coach. It is important to research individual state requirements to further information into this program.
